Spill the Tea Podcast

The official logo for the Town of Edenton's Spill the Tea Podcast

Spill the Tea is the Town of Edenton's first-ever municipal podcast! Aimed to give residents a fresh look at the people who keep the town running and keep the town interesting, episodes will interview local leaders, nonprofit members, community figures, and more. 

The concept was inspired by two other localities in North Carolina that utilize podcasting to reach their communities. The title comes from the 250th anniversary of the Edenton Tea Party, which is in 2024. During that event, 51 area women stood up to the British Empire to protest taxation without representation in the Thirteen Colonies. These days, the term "spill the tea" typically means to say what you know, but that depends on the speaker! 

Episodes will air biweekly to monthly, depending on the schedule of the interviewees. To access the podcast on various streaming platforms, visit the links below! 

If you'd like to be on the show, or if you have any feedback for future episodes, contact the Public Information Officer.