Greenway & Open Space Plan

During the Winter of 2002 and spring of 2003, the governments of Chowan County and the Town of Edenton partnered together to create this Greenways and Open Space Plan as a guide for developing a system of trails and protected areas in their community. The three-step process that was undertaken to complete the plan included initial data collection, a series of public meetings and workshops, and finally, the development of a final document containing maps of the proposed system and recommendations for its implementation.

The plan document is available for downloading below.

WARNING: This is an extremely large file at 71 Megabytes. Download time for High-speed Broadband Connections could be between 5-15 minutes depending on net traffic. Please allow enough time for downloading before attempting to download again as this will extend the download time. Dial-up connection for downloading is not recommended.

It is highly recommended to save a copy of the report to keep from having to download it each time to view it.